NeuroPickleball Rocks the Mountain Regionals in Las Vegas

It was a great week for NeuroPickleball at the USA Pickleball Mountain Regional Championship. Joe took gold in the 50+ Men’s 5.0 Doubles and 55+ Mixed 5.0 Doubles and Carrie Lane, one of our NeuroPickleball Trained Instructors won gold in the 60+ Women’s 4.5 Doubles. Both players got their Golden Ticket to play in this […]
NeuroPickleball is Coming to the Lake at Catamount Ranch and Club NeuroPickleball brings the best in neuroscience-based performance training and pickleball teaching to pickleball players at all skill levels. We will be at the Catamount Club from July 22nd to July 25th, offering three of our most popular pickleball clinics and a presentation on NeuralTraining for […]
Wickenburg Week
NeuroPickleball Comes to Wickenburg NeuroPickleball brings the best in neuroscience-based performance training and pickleball teaching to pickleball players at all skill levels. We will be at Wickenburg Ranch from March 15th to March 21st, offering three of our most popular pickleball clinics and a presentation and workshop on NeuralTraining for pickleball. Reserve your spots now. Attendance […]
Joe Talks NeuroPickleball on the Pickleball Fire Podcast

On December 9, Joe sat down with Pickleball Fire host, Lynn Cherry to discuss NeuroPickleball. It’s a unique interview because Lynn and Joe both have backgrounds in Psychology and Physical Education so the Q&A on brain-science is a little more in depth than you might expect. The topics are wide-ranging. Listen To The Podcast From […]
10/20 – Joe and Steve Cole win 35+/5.0 at Fall Brawl

Turning back the clock a bit, Joe and Steve Cole won the 5.0 event for players 35 and over at thee Fall Brawl in St George, Utah.
9/20 – Joe Took Silver In Doubles at APP Chicago Open

Building on his Mixed Doubles success, Joe and partner Bill Muno took silver in the Men’s Senior Pro Doubles at the Chicago Open. The draw was full of elite players and Joe and Bill won all their matches in the main draw. They lost a rematch with Mills Miller and John Sperling in the gold medal […]
9/20 – Joe Took Bronze In Mixed Doubles at APP Chicago Open

NeuroPickleball co-founder Joe Frasca had a nice result in his first tournament event since the COVID shutdown. He and partner Linda Thompson took bronze in only their second time playing together. Along the way, they split matches with the silver medal team (Yvonne Ting and Scott Moore) and went to 3 games with the eventual […]
6/20 – NeuralTraining Now Available at Our Clinics
Participants at our Fort Collins Clinics took part in vision and mobility training with NeuroPickleball Co-Founder Peter Hoversten. At NeuroPickleball, we find that a player’s game is usually affected by athletic limitations rather than a pickleball fundamental problem. Improving the root of the problem through NeuralTraining is the fastest, most beneficial path to better pickleball. […]
4/20 – NeuroPickleball Speaks at the PickleBall Summit

In April, Peter and Joe were featured speakers at the Pickleball Summit, hosted by Brett Noel and sponsored by VitaFlo Sport. Watch us here!
6/20 – Ken Lehman joins NeuroPickleball for Clinics in Ft. Collins
NeuroPickleball had a great time teaching a three days of clinics to 38 players in Fort Collins. Participants had the opportunity to choose from 3 of our clinics; Fast Start Introduction to Pickleball, The First Five Shots, and Advanced Dinking Techniques Part 1. Several players also chose to do a 2 v2 Play with the […]