NeuroPickleball Rocks the Mountain Regionals in Las Vegas

It was a great week for NeuroPickleball at the USA Pickleball Mountain Regional Championship. Joe took gold in the 50+ Men’s 5.0 Doubles and 55+ Mixed 5.0 Doubles and Carrie Lane, one of our NeuroPickleball Trained Instructors won gold in the 60+ Women’s 4.5 Doubles. Both players got their Golden Ticket to play in this […]
Joe Talks NeuroPickleball on the Pickleball Fire Podcast

On December 9, Joe sat down with Pickleball Fire host, Lynn Cherry to discuss NeuroPickleball. It’s a unique interview because Lynn and Joe both have backgrounds in Psychology and Physical Education so the Q&A on brain-science is a little more in depth than you might expect. The topics are wide-ranging. Listen To The Podcast From […]