Attack, Counterattack

The game is changing. Attacks are much more common than before. A weak attack puts you at a disadvantage; a strong one, the opposite. Learn how to attack and defend. We’ll teach you how to spot or create attacking opportunities. Learn how to execute and defend the various attacking shots. We’ll also cover the essentials of resetting points and positioning.
All Three Clinics

Are you interested in all three clinics? Good, because we feel it’s the best way to go. Learn each phase of a point in sequence and see how a point builds. Register with a single checkout below.
Advanced Dinking Techniques

Have your dinking skills plateaued? Do you want to take your kitchen game to the next level? “Advanced Dinking Techniques” tilts the soft game to your advantage. We show you how to be more consistent and effective and create stress, opportunities and even win points outright through your dinking.
The First Five Shots

Professional pickleball points can go on for 60-70 shots. the first five shots are critical to the nature and length of the point. If the shots are unattackable and everyone gets to or makes significant progress toward the kitchen, the point has likely been equalized. Have the antidote for bangers. Get to the kitchen and be comfortable once you’re there. Learn what you want to do and why, how to execute and practice it.
My First Tournament
Your first tournament can be daunting. There are lots of first-time activities that can be very stressful and affect your results. We’ll help you navigate a tournament like a veteran player.
Better Tournament Results
Playing in a tournament is very different than playing rec games or drilling. We show you how to fully prepare for a tournament. For new or experienced tournament players.
Three Phases – Advanced
For alumni who are tournament rated 3.5 or better. Learn advanced content. Take your strategy, skills and practice to the next level.
Three Phases – Refresher
Want to continue to master your skills? We spend one hour on each phase emphasizing what matters most for your continued development. For alumni only.
Attack, Counterattack

Attacks are becoming more and more common. Learn how to attack and defend. We’ll teach you how to spot or create attacking opportunities and how to defend successfully
Advanced Dinking

Do you want to take your kitchen game to the next level? We show you how to be more consistent and effective and create stress, opportunities and even win points outright through your dinking.